General Knowledge MCQs

General Knowledge MCQs

General Knowledge MCQs

Here are 100 general knowledge MCQs (multiple-choice questions) along with their answers:

1. What is the capital of France?
a) Berlin
b) London
c) Paris
d) Madrid
Answer: c) Paris

2. Who wrote the play “Romeo and Juliet”?
a) Charles Dickens
b) William Shakespeare
c) Jane Austen
d) George Orwell
Answer: b) William Shakespeare

3. What gas do plants absorb from the atmosphere during photosynthesis?
a) Oxygen
b) Nitrogen
c) Carbon Dioxide
d) Hydrogen
Answer: c) Carbon Dioxide

4. Who was the first President of the United States?
a) John Adams
b) Thomas Jefferson
c) George Washington
d) Benjamin Franklin
Answer: c) George Washington

5. Which planet is known as the “Red Planet”?
a) Venus
b) Mars
c) Jupiter
d) Saturn
Answer: b) Mars

6. What is the largest mammal on Earth?
a) Elephant
b) Blue Whale
c) Giraffe
d) Hippopotamus
Answer: b) Blue Whale

7. Who painted the Mona Lisa?
a) Vincent van Gogh
b) Pablo Picasso
c) Leonardo da Vinci
d) Michelangelo
Answer: c) Leonardo da Vinci

8. What is the largest organ in the human body?
a) Heart
b) Liver
c) Brain
d) Skin
Answer: d) Skin

9. Which continent is the driest and the hottest in the world?
a) Africa
b) Asia
c) Australia
d) South America
Answer: c) Australia

10. Who is the author of the Harry Potter book series?
a) J.K. Rowling
b) George R.R. Martin
c) Stephen King
d) Dan Brown
Answer: a) J.K. Rowling

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11. What is the chemical symbol for gold?
a) Go
b) Ag
c) Au
d) Gl
Answer: c) Au

12. Which gas makes up the majority of Earth’s atmosphere?
a) Oxygen
b) Carbon Dioxide
c) Nitrogen
d) Hydrogen
Answer: c) Nitrogen

13. What is the smallest prime number?
a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3
Answer: c) 2

14. In what year did Christopher Columbus reach the Americas?
a) 1401
b) 1492
c) 1510
d) 1620
Answer: b) 1492

15. Which country is known as the Land of the Rising Sun?
a) China
b) Japan
c) South Korea
d) Vietnam
Answer: b) Japan

16. Who was the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean?
a) Amelia Earhart
b) Bessie Coleman
c) Harriet Quimby
d) Valentina Tereshkova
Answer: a) Amelia Earhart

17. What is the largest planet in our solar system?
a) Earth
b) Mars
c) Jupiter
d) Saturn
Answer: c) Jupiter

18. Which gas is responsible for the Earth’s ozone layer?
a) Oxygen
b) Nitrogen
c) Carbon Dioxide
d) Ozone
Answer: d) Ozone

19. What is the capital of Brazil?
a) Buenos Aires
b) Rio de Janeiro
c) São Paulo
d) Brasília
Answer: d) Brasília

General Knowledge MCQs related to diverse topics are given below. You can also find the answers to the questions.

20. Who is known as the “Father of Modern Physics”?
a) Albert Einstein
b) Isaac Newton
c) Galileo Galilei
d) Stephen Hawking
Answer: a) Albert Einstein

21. Which gas do plants release during photosynthesis?
a) Oxygen
b) Carbon Dioxide
c) Nitrogen
d) Methane
Answer: a) Oxygen

22. What is the chemical symbol for water?
a) H2O
b) CO2
c) O2
d) NaCl
Answer: a) H2O

23. Who wrote “To Kill a Mockingbird”?
a) J.D. Salinger
b) Harper Lee
c) F. Scott Fitzgerald
d) Mark Twain
Answer: b) Harper Lee

24. What is the largest organ in the human body?
a) Heart
b) Liver
c) Brain
d) Skin
Answer: d) Skin

25. What is the most giant planet in our solar system?
a) Earth
b) Mars
c) Jupiter
d) Saturn
Answer: c) Jupiter

26. What is the currency of Japan?
a) Yen
b) Won
c) Ringgit
d) Baht
Answer: a) Yen

27. Who was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize?
a) Marie Curie
b) Mother Teresa
c) Rosa Parks
d) Amelia Earhart
Answer: a) Marie Curie

28. Which gas is known as the “silent killer” because it is odorless and colorless?
a) Carbon Dioxide
b) Oxygen
c) Methane
d) Carbon Monoxide
Answer: d) Carbon Monoxide

29. In Greek mythology, who was the king of the gods?
a) Poseidon
b) Apollo
c) Zeus
d) Hades
Answer: c) Zeus

General Knowledge MCQs will help you in preparing for various exams.

30. What is the largest ocean in the world?
a) Atlantic Ocean
b) Indian Ocean
c) Pacific Ocean
d) Arctic Ocean
Answer: c) Pacific Ocean

31. What is the chemical symbol for iron?
a) Fe
b) I
c) Ir
d) In
Answer: a) Fe

32. Who was the first person to set foot on the moon?
a) Neil Armstrong
b) Buzz Aldrin
c) Yuri Gagarin
d) John Glenn
Answer: a) Neil Armstrong

33. What is the capital of Canada?
a) Ottawa
b) Toronto
c) Vancouver
d) Montreal
Answer: a) Ottawa

34. Which gas is responsible for the Earth’s greenhouse effect?
a) Oxygen
b) Nitrogen
c) Carbon Dioxide
d) Hydrogen
Answer: c) Carbon Dioxide

35. Who is the author of the novel “1984”?
a) George Orwell
b) Aldous Huxley
c) Ray Bradbury
d) J.R.R. Tolkien
Answer: a) George Orwell

36. In what year was the Declaration of Independence adopted in the United States?
a) 1776
b) 1789
c) 1799
d) 1801
Answer: a) 1776

37. What is the national flower of Japan?
a) Rose
b) Lily
c) Cherry Blossom
d) Tulip
Answer: c) Cherry Blossom

38. Who painted the “Starry Night”?
a) Vincent van Gogh
b) Pablo Picasso
c) Claude Monet
d) Salvador Dalí
Answer: a) Vincent van Gogh

39. What is the chemical symbol for silver?
a) Si
b) Ag
c) Sr
d) Sn
Answer: b) Ag

General Knowledge MCQs support capacity and knowledge building. Keep in touch with and keep yourself upgraded.

40. Which planet is known as the “Morning Star” and the “Evening Star”?
a) Mars
b) Venus
c) Jupiter
d) Mercury
Answer: b) Venus

41. Who wrote “The Great Gatsby”?
a) F. Scott Fitzgerald
b) Ernest Hemingway
c) John Steinbeck
d) Harper Lee
Answer: a) F. Scott Fitzgerald

42. What is the largest desert in the world?
a) Sahara Desert
b) Gobi Desert
c) Atacama Desert
d) Arabian Desert
Answer: a) Sahara Desert

43. Which gas do humans exhale when they breathe?
a) Oxygen
b) Carbon D

c) Nitrogen
d) Hydrogen
Answer: b) Carbon Dioxide

44. What is the capital of Australia?
a) Melbourne
b) Sydney
c) Brisbane
d) Canberra
Answer: d) Canberra

45. Who is the author of “Pride and Prejudice”?
a) Jane Austen
b) Charlotte Brontë
c) Emily Brontë
d) Louisa May Alcott
Answer: a) Jane Austen

46. What is the chemical symbol for hydrogen?
a) H2
b) He
c) H
d) Ho
Answer: c) H

47. Which gas do plants absorb from the atmosphere during photosynthesis?
a) Oxygen
b) Nitrogen
c) Carbon Dioxide
d) Hydrogen
Answer: c) Carbon Dioxide

48. Who was the first President of the United States?
a) John Adams
b) Thomas Jefferson
c) George Washington
d) Benjamin Franklin
Answer: c) George Washington

49. Which planet is known as the “Red Planet”?
a) Venus
b) Mars
c) Jupiter
d) Saturn
Answer: b) Mars

General Knowledge MCQs are from different topics you can find them in details.

50. What is the largest mammal on Earth?
a) Elephant
b) Blue Whale
c) Giraffe
d) Hippopotamus
Answer: b) Blue Whale

51. Who painted the Mona Lisa?
a) Vincent van Gogh
b) Pablo Picasso
c) Leonardo da Vinci
d) Michelangelo
Answer: c) Leonardo da Vinci

52. What is the largest organ in the human body?
a) Heart
b) Liver
c) Brain
d) Skin
Answer: d) Skin

53. Which continent is the driest and the hottest in the world?
a) Africa
b) Asia
c) Australia
d) South America
Answer: c) Australia

54. Who is the author of the Harry Potter book series?
a) J.K. Rowling
b) George R.R. Martin
c) Stephen King
d) Dan Brown
Answer: a) J.K. Rowling

55. What is the chemical symbol for gold?
a) Go
b) Ag
c) Au
d) Gl
Answer: c) Au

56. Which gas makes up the majority of Earth’s atmosphere?
a) Oxygen
b) Carbon Dioxide
c) Nitrogen
d) Hydrogen
Answer: c) Nitrogen

57. What is the smallest prime number?
a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3
Answer: c) 2

58. In what year did Christopher Columbus reach the Americas?
a) 1401
b) 1492
c) 1510
d) 1620
Answer: b) 1492

59. Which country is known as the Land of the Rising Sun?
a) China
b) Japan
c) South Korea
d) Vietnam
Answer: b) Japan

60. Who was the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean?
a) Amelia Earhart
b) Bessie Coleman
c) Harriet Quimby
d) Valentina Tereshkova
Answer: a) Amelia Earhart

61. What is the largest planet in our solar system?
a) Earth
b) Mars
c) Jupiter
d) Saturn
Answer: c) Jupiter

62. Which gas is responsible for the Earth’s ozone layer?
a) Oxygen
b) Nitrogen
c) Carbon Dioxide
d) Ozone
Answer: d) Ozone

63. What is the capital of Brazil?
a) Buenos Aires
b) Rio de Janeiro
c) São Paulo
d) Brasília
Answer: d) Brasília

64. Who is known as the “Father of Modern Physics”?
a) Albert Einstein
b) Isaac Newton
c) Galileo Galilei
d) Stephen Hawking
Answer: a) Albert Einstein

65. Which gas do plants release during photosynthesis?
a) Oxygen
b) Carbon Dioxide
c) Nitrogen
d) Methane
Answer: a) Oxygen

66. What is the chemical symbol for water?
a) H2O
b) CO2
c) O2
d) NaCl
Answer: a) H2O

67. Who wrote “To Kill a Mockingbird”?
a) J.D. Salinger
b) Harper Lee
c) F. Scott Fitzgerald
d) Mark Twain
Answer: b) Harper Lee

68. What is the largest organ in the human body?
a) Heart
b) Liver
c) Brain
d) Skin
Answer: d) Skin

69. What is the most giant planet in our solar system?
a) Earth
b) Mars
c) Jupiter
d) Saturn
Answer: c) Jupiter

70. What is the currency of Japan?
a) Yen
b) Won
c) Ringgit
d) Baht
Answer: a) Yen

71. Who was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize?
a) Marie Curie
b) Mother Teresa
c) Rosa Parks
d) Amelia Earhart
Answer: a) Marie Curie

72. Which gas is known as the “silent killer” because it is odorless and colorless?
a) Carbon Dioxide
b) Oxygen
c) Methane
d) Carbon Monoxide
Answer: d) Carbon Monoxide

73. In Greek mythology, who was the king of the gods?
a) Poseidon
b) Apollo
c) Zeus
d) Hades
Answer: c) Zeus

74. What is the largest ocean in the world?
a) Atlantic Ocean
b) Indian Ocean
c) Pacific Ocean
d) Arctic Ocean
Answer: c) Pacific Ocean

75. What is the chemical symbol for iron?
a) Fe
b) I
c) Ir
d) In
Answer: a) Fe

76. Who was the first person to set foot on the moon?
a) Neil Armstrong
b) Buzz Aldrin
c) Yuri Gagarin
d) John Glenn
Answer: a) Neil Armstrong

77. What is the capital of Canada?
a) Ottawa
b) Toronto
c) Vancouver
d) Montreal
Answer: a) Ottawa

78. Which gas is responsible for the Earth’s greenhouse effect?

b) Nitrogen
c) Carbon Dioxide
d) Hydrogen
Answer: c) Carbon Dioxide

79. Who is the author of the novel “1984”?
a) George Orwell
b) Aldous Huxley
c) Ray Bradbury
d) J.R.R. Tolkien
Answer: a) George Orwell

80. In what year was the Declaration of Independence adopted in the United States?
a) 1776
b) 1789
c) 1799
d) 1801
Answer: a) 1776

81. What is the national flower of Japan?
a) Rose
b) Lily
c) Cherry Blossom
d) Tulip
Answer: c) Cherry Blossom

82. Who painted the “Starry Night”?
a) Vincent van Gogh
b) Pablo Picasso
c) Claude Monet
d) Salvador Dalí
Answer: a) Vincent van Gogh

83. What is the chemical symbol for silver?
a) Si
b) Ag
c) Sr
d) Sn
Answer: b) Ag

84. Which planet is known as the “Morning Star” and the “Evening Star”?
a) Mars
b) Venus
c) Jupiter
d) Mercury
Answer: b) Venus

85. Who wrote “The Great Gatsby”?
a) F. Scott Fitzgerald
b) Ernest Hemingway
c) John Steinbeck
d) Harper Lee
Answer: a) F. Scott Fitzgerald

86. What is the largest desert in the world?
a) Sahara Desert
b) Gobi Desert
c) Atacama Desert
d) Arabian Desert
Answer: a) Sahara Desert

87. Which gas do humans exhale when they breathe?
a) Oxygen
b) Carbon Dioxide
c) Nitrogen
d) Hydrogen
Answer: b) Carbon Dioxide

88. What is the capital of Australia?
a) Melbourne
b) Sydney
c) Brisbane
d) Canberra
Answer: d) Canberra

89. Who is the author of “Pride and Prejudice”?
a) Jane Austen
b) Charlotte Brontë
c) Emily Brontë
d) Louisa May Alcott
Answer: a) Jane Austen

90. What is the chemical symbol for hydrogen?
a) H2
b) He
c) H
d) Ho
Answer: c) H

91. Which gas do plants release during photosynthesis?
a) Oxygen
b) Carbon Dioxide
c) Nitrogen
d) Methane
Answer: a) Oxygen

92. Who was the first President of the United States?
a) John Adams
b) Thomas Jefferson
c) George Washington
d) Benjamin Franklin
Answer: c) George Washington

93. Which planet is known as the “Red Planet”?
a) Venus
b) Mars
c) Jupiter
d) Saturn
Answer: b) Mars

94. What is the largest mammal on Earth?
a) Elephant
b) Blue Whale
c) Giraffe
d) Hippopotamus
Answer: b) Blue Whale

95. Who painted the Mona Lisa?
a) Vincent van Gogh
b) Pablo Picasso
c) Leonardo da Vinci
d) Michelangelo
Answer: c) Leonardo da Vinci

96. What is the largest organ in the human body?
a) Heart
b) Liver
c) Brain
d) Skin
Answer: d) Skin

97. Which continent is the driest and the hottest in the world?
a) Africa
b) Asia
c) Australia
d) South America
Answer: c) Australia

98. Who is the author of the Harry Potter book series?
a) J.K. Rowling
b) George R.R. Martin
c) Stephen King
d) Dan Brown
Answer: a) J.K. Rowling

99. What is the chemical symbol for gold?
a) Go
b) Ag
c) Au
d) Gl
Answer: c) Au

100. Which gas makes up the majority of Earth’s atmosphere?
a) Oxygen
b) Carbon Dioxide
c) Nitrogen
d) Hydrogen
Answer: c) Nitrogen

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